Friday, April 8, 2011

Bibliographic post 5. "Translating foreign languages online"

       A lot of people, nations, and ethnic groups exist in our world. There are also a lot of languages. To make communication processes easier, people decided to make one of the languages international. Officially, English is an international language. But it is not a true international language. There are a lot of people in our world who do not know even one word in English! The Internet and computers can help in solving this problem. Now there are a lot of innovations in digital language translation which can help us to be closer to each other. The AltaVista Translation can help you in translating from other languages, and it is really simple to use. The Alta Vista is one of the most powerful translators, and it is free for all users. You can also use the GlobalLink Comprende. It translates by pasting text, and also accommodates Web sites by dynamically translating the HTML and displaying it on your browser. This translator is also free for users. So, different translators can help people around the world be closer to each other, and it disposes all barriers between different people from different countries with different languages.

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