Friday, April 8, 2011

"Free" post #2. "Living in a world of high technologies"

       Our world is a world of high technologies. People are surrounded by them, beginning with their bus rooms and ending up with highly technological plants. As any person of his century we take all these for granted. Everybody waking up in the mornings and making a breakfast using an oven, or coffee machine will not try to imagine how it might be living without all these comforts of life. I am definitely sure that if all technological devices disappear, people will become powerless like small children, because it is very difficult to return back to the beginning when there was nothing. 
       I don’t know, maybe it is natural for people of the 21st century like how it was natural for people of the Middle Ages to burn witches. Maybe we should take it for granted and do not think about “ifs.” I definitely am sure that people shouldn’t forget about their roots, about nature, about being strong and independent: to use their brain more often than a flesh drive, to read books instead of playing computer games, to communicate alive instead of using artificial means of communication.

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